
Green Ideas For Tourism (GIFT) for Europe

Period: October 2015 – March 2018
Green Ideas For Tourism (GIFT) for Europe
Period: October 2015 – March 2018 
Funding organization: “Erasmus +” - the European Union programme for education, training, youth and sport

Green Ideas for Tourism for Europe aims to increase the labour market relevance of vocational tourism education and training by improving the students’ understanding of the environmental impact of managerial decisions through innovative methods and technologies.

The project’s main output is an interactive online tool, showing the functioning of actual tourism businesses through easy to understand visual media such as mind maps. Tourism business representatives will continually contribute new examples to the case study library, ensuring the tool’s future relevance. The tool’s website will also feature a theoretical module, describing current and emerging practices related to sustainable and regenerative tourism. The final goal is the introduction of the tool in vocational school curricula and vocational manager training programs of tourism businesses.

During the project will be identified weak points in the partner countries’ vocational tourism education in the area of environmental management; will be organized a research for innovative practices in sustainable tourism and will be created a website-tool presenting the theory and application of said practices. The website-tool will be promoted via events and trainings.

The project is managed by Centre for Inclusive Education in partnership with Ecosystem Europe Association, Bulgaria, Vocational School of Tourism “Mihalaki Georgiev” - Vidin, Bulgaria, Stockholm Environment Institute - Tallinn, Estonia and Context Learning, Finland.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Children in the big world

Global and inclusive educations are two sides of the same coin. On the one hand, we focus on children in order to support them and develop their potential. On the other hand, we teach children how they, their decisions and actions have an impact on the overall world and on all other people living in it.