
Centre for Inclusive Education Participated in Thematic Working Group “Education” of National Network for Children

16 March 2016
Centre for Inclusive Education Participated in Thematic Working Group “Education” of National Network for Children Photo: National Network for Children
Victoria Bachvarova, educational technologies and development specialist at Centre for Inclusive Education participated in a meeting of Thematic Working Group “Education” of National Network for children. The Network for children’s members gathered on March 10 and 11, 2016 in Sliven.

During the first day, the participants discussed subjects related to early school dropouts, learning motivation, prevention of violence among pupils, online dangers and child protection of cyber bullying. The steps of resource support and the elaboration of the new educational standards were discussed on a special session, dedicated to the new Law on preschool and school education. The last daily session has been executed together with Thematic Working Group “Justice”, during which the project “Vision for family policy to support children and families in Bulgaria” was presented. It is executed by National Network for Children in partnership with Child and Space Association and Institute for population and human studies – BAS. Work in small groups and discussion followed.

The next day was dedicated to visit of good practices. The participants visited 4th Primary School “Dimiter Petrov” with principal Silvia Avramova. Small school with a lot of pupils, big part of who have feeling for arts, cosy classrooms and a great team of teachers. School’s representatives told about their practices, some of which are “agreement” – informal contract between parents and teachers, “Interactive inquiry”, fulfilled by parents, “guestroom” for school visitors, family Olympic games and summer workshops. The school is part of National Network for Children’s project “The school as Centre of the Community”. The group also visited the Centre for psychological support to children and families of Child and Space Association.

Photo: National Network for Children